It's our 12th Birthday!!!

It's our 12th Birthday!!!

Posted by Hotmilk Lingerie on

November marks our 12th birthday which has made us all feel a little bit excited in the office! We've started the month off with a hiss and a roar on our Facebook page with 12 days of glorious giveaways. These giveaways are little different to the norm, in that we have limited these to a 24 hour period. The competition can close at any stage and once closed we select the winner from the last comment on the post. This is a super exciting way to run a competition and has seen everyone getting in behind it and following the draws!

We've partnered with some incredible companies including Pinky McKays Boobie Bikkies, Maternity Bag, MaterniTea, GAIA and Little Bundles of Joy! Thanks so much to all of these partners for being apart of our 12th Birthday.

This weekend from Nov 10th we are also running Free Shipping for 48 hours. There's no minimum spend...its just our way of saying thank you for being apart of the Hotmilk family and we've loved having you around!

Over the last 12 years Hotmilk has forced change upon a market that desperately needed an overhaul and is immensely proud to have led this revolution of the maternity world that prior to their launch left mothers with only a sea of beige as their choice for nursing lingerie.

Hotmilk continues to be innovative, fashionable and inspirational. The support from our mammas all over the globe is true testament to the fit and quality of our range of maternity lingerie.

We have some exciting things planned for 2018, so make sure you stick around an continue to show your love for Hotmilk!

Love the Hotmilk Team




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