Meet Kate

Graphic Designer and Illustrator. And an amazing mum to nearly 3 year old Jackson!
First time mum Kate breastfed her son for over a year and half! Huge effort and an amazing mama inside and out x
How did you feel about the changes to your body before the shoot?
It was a work in progress. My body has changed a lot since having my son, but it also hasn't. Prior to having him I had already lost 40kg, so putting weight back on is almost like revisiting my past self. I find it difficult to not to be hard on myself though - but I think it's less to do with my body and more because I've picked up unhealthy habits around eating and not exercising. But I know that my life and priorities have changed so much and I'm just trying to appreciate this season and know that one day I'll be able to spend more time working on myself eventually.
How did the shoot and wearing Hotmilk Lingerie make you feel afterwards?
Dropping that robe was hard. I felt quite vulnerable but I was also trying really hard to be confident. Like, you know what? This is me. This is what I look like. And I shouldn't be ashamed of it. So once I got used to it, I felt really empowered and strong. And I felt confident and happy, which surprised me. Plus everyone was so supportive and there was such a loving and kind vibe and the photoshoot, it was hard to be embarrassed!
What’s the top tip you’d give to a new mother?
Expect the unexpected. No really, that sounds vague but I think it's the best advice I could give. You're going to have an idea of how things are going to go, how you'll feel and be after having a baby, what your baby will be like... And maybe it will happen that way, but it's more likely that you're going to have to do a lot of adjusting, a lot of relearning, a lot of figuring things out.. And that's okay. Just be ready to try something new, even if it's not working out how you had hoped. It doesn't mean it's wrong, it's just that parenthood is forever changing and you never really know what's coming next.
What’s the best thing about being a mother?
Experiencing all those firsts alongside your child. And seeing the world from their fresh and innocent perspective. It kinda brings out your inner child. And nothing is cooler than seeing your child/children experience things for the first time.