The health and well-being we all strive for is within reach. Start gradually, make small changes, and you'll begin to notice progress. We believe postpartum health includes mental, emotional and physical wellness. A healthier postpartum mother is better prepared to navigate the daily challenges of motherhood.
Forget "Happy wife, Happy life" - Lets focus on "Happy mums, Happy little ones."
We've created a list of 10 inspiring and motivating ideas to help you get started.

#1 - Postpartum Weight Lose - Throw away your scales.
Scales aren't a reliable measure of how you look and feel. While pregnancy naturally involves weight gain, witnessing the numbers rise on the scale can be unsettling, especially for women with a history of eating disorders. Postpartum it is crucial to bear in mind that growing a baby takes nine months, so don't feel disheartened if shedding the baby weight takes time. Instead of fixating on weight loss, shift your focus to nourishing your body through this intense and exhausting period. Try using an old pair of jeans or aim to fit into a specific clothing size as a better gauge of your progress
#2 - Postpartum Exercise and Movement
Exercise proves to be a formidable ally in postpartum recovery. Enhancing cardiovascular health, rebuilding muscles strained during pregnancy, or addressing back issues from carrying your little one are a few perks. Movement triggers endorphins, nature's mood lifters, countering postpartum blues. Begin slowly, heed your body's signals, and consult your healthcare provider before altering your fitness routine. Hotmilk's Maternity Activewear Range will support you as you gain back your strength. Remember, it's not a race to 'bounce back'; it's a journey forward, at your pace, towards health and wellness.
#3 - Quality Maternity Lingerie is Investing in Yourself!
Even though no one else can see it, you’ll be surprised to know how a good bra can boost your confidence. Whether at home, out and about, or at work, Hotmilk Lingerie has created comfortable supportive maternity lingerie that will give you power and motivation for the rest of the day. Vibrant colours, florals, and prints are uplifting. Solid colours like reds, purples, blues, or black can make you feel powerful. Beautiful, sexy, or powerful high-quality lingerie is about you and you only, how it makes you feel and elevates the mother in you. Be inspired by our Bestselling Maternity Bras

#4 - Postpartum Nutrition
Tiredness as a new mum can make thinking about food a chore, however, taking care of your body and mental health in the first weeks by eating nutritious food is super important for recovery and stabilising energy levels. In the early days focus on eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Certain nutrients like iron, calcium, and omega-3s can be extra helpful during this time. Your body needs more energy when breastfeeding so eating small amounts can often be a great way to achieve this. Never turn away the offer of a home-cooked meal, an offer to pick up the groceries, or if possible engage in a meal service for those early days. If you have any specific dietary concerns, get professional medical advice from a dietitian or your healthcare provider.
#5 - The Perfect Parent is a Myth
Striving to be a good parent is a common desire, and the simple act of being present each day and showering your baby with love already makes you one. Many of us grapple with the misconception that being a good parent equates to being flawless, but this notion is far from reality. Instead of pursuing perfection, aim to be a "good enough" parent. If you've fed, clothed, and shared precious cuddles with your baby today, and the house hasn't burned down, you're not just doing well - you're excelling at the most important aspects of parenthood.

#6 - Enter an Event with Friends
Whether it's a walk, run, adventure race, triathlon, or any physical event, having a goal to work toward can shift your mindset and add some extra motivation to push yourself. You don't have to be a super athlete to enter, there are so many great fun beginner events out there! Setting a common goal with friends is ideal—it can challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and help ward off the isolation and loneliness that can accompany new motherhood. Training with a friend or group for a shared objective not only makes it more enjoyable but also increases your chances of sticking to your exercise routine and meeting new people along the way
#7 - Drink Lots of Water
Everyone talks about this, but it truly is essential. When you're well-hydrated, your body and muscles can perform better, helping you feel less sluggish and more energetic before, during, and after your workout. Changing your mindset and getting your body accustomed to exercise and healthy eating isn't something that happens overnight. It requires training both your mind and body. Don't give up after a couple of weeks - stick with it, and soon you'll not only enjoy it, but you'll also love the new you!
#8 - Push Harder
When your heart starts pounding and your breathing gets heavy during exercise, don’t give up. Push through for an extra 2, 3, or 10 minutes, or go that extra mile. This is when your body truly responds, teaching you that you can handle more. Over time, you'll find your physical capacity increases, allowing you to take on more sessions at higher intensities

#9 - Connect with Other New Mums
You don't have to do it all alone, seriously. Navigating the birth of your first child or even your fifth can feel overwhelming. It's important to reach out to your partner, family members, and other mums for emotional and practical support. Let them lend a hand with chores, meals, or taking care of the baby. However building a new community of fellow moms or joining mom groups can also be a game-changer. Share experiences, seek advice, read baby books, and find comfort knowing you're not the only one going through this crazy life stage. Search for new mum and baby groups in your area, baby music groups or even your midwife can help.
#10 - Raising a Child Takes a Village
Motherhood isn't something you have to do alone - acknowledge that you can't do it all by yourself. Many mums find it difficult to ask for help, but it's essential. Make a list of ways visitors can assist; while the focus is often on meeting the new baby, a new mum's needs can be easily overlooked. Your support network is there for you, so be clear about how they can help when they visit, take advantage of offers like an hour of babysitting - it’s not just a kind gesture but a lifeline. If your partner is involved, have open conversations about sharing the responsibilities of baby care; it's a team effort. Remember, accepting help isn't a sign of weakness, it's crucial for taking care of yourself on this incredible journey of motherhood
Goodluck from the Hotmilk team xox