Real Mama Interview: Shana Crollick

Real Mama Interview: Shana Crollick

Posted by Amber Kedian on

Shana is one real mama. With a partner who does a fly in and fly off roster and a 22-month-old boy, Talan – she is doesn’t complain and is instead thankful for having her partner there more than most families do. With a baby on the way, she shares with us an insight into how she is finding her second pregnancy.

What is your beautiful sons name and how old is he?

My son's name is Talan and he is 22 months old.

What do you find the hardest about being pregnant?

I’ve really struggled with this pregnancy. The exhaustion is REAL! Having such bad nausea and chasing a toddler around and being pregnant can be super hard at times. What’s the best thing about being pregnant? I’ve recently started feeling some movement and it’s by far the best part about being pregnant.

Is there anything you are afraid of?

This may sound silly but I am afraid of not having enough time for Talan when the new baby arrives. I don’t ever want him to feel left out or that mummy doesn’t care.

What are you doing to prepare for your newborn?

I’ve been really enjoying starting to set up my nursery and buying things for my little girl.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received during your pregnancy journey?

When I was pregnant with Talan everyone kept telling me to make sure I had a birth plan. Even the hospital was big on one but a lady at work told me to not put so much pressure on a “plan” as labour never goes to plan and you don’t want to be disappointed if it doesn’t go to plan. She was right! I had planned a water birth, didn’t happen. Everything I wanted, didn’t happen. My boy got here safely but I still felt somewhat disappointed that my “plan” didn’t work. So this time around I’m going into labour with an open mind, what will be will be. As long as myself and my beautiful baby girl are safe, that’s all that matters.

How has your relationship changed with your body during pregnancy?

I’m a lot less confident within myself when I’m pregnant. Your body changes so much that it can be such a love/hate relationship with yourself. But I’m pretty lucky my partner tells me I’m beautiful all the time.

What do you recommend expecting mums to read or watch to prepare for motherhood?

I have recently started reading the “Save Our Sleep” book (hyperlink to: I mean it wouldn’t be for everyone but I’ve found it very interesting and something I’m considering trying. I’ve more read books since Talans been a toddler to help with managing tantrums and behaviour rather than books on newborns.

Any interesting cravings this time around?

No crazy cravings. I’ve certainly had a sweet tooth this pregnancy but I’ve been constantly wanting ice-cold water. The colder the better.

How are you preparing your son for his sibling?

I have a big brother book that we read to him. We always talk about his little sister in mummy’s belly. I don’t think he quite understands yet but we are trying and know he will make the BEST big brother.

What should every expecting mum stock up on?

If you can meal prep and stock up so once bub comes it’s easy for you to heat up some meals for you and the family. It helped me a lot especially being a fifo (fly in and fly out) family and being on my own a lot.

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