Its Breast Cancer awareness month, although lets be honest... every month should be breast cancer awarenss month. Breast Cancer affects 1 in 8 women every year. Its one of the most prevalent cancers in the world, however through early detection, we can prevent these cancers from causing death!

Checking your breasts is all about getting to know what your breasts normally look and feel like.
It’s as easy as TLC: TOUCH, LOOK, CHECK.
There’s no ‘right’ way to check your breasts. It’s just important to know your normal and check regularly for any unusual changes. The best time to do a self-check is usually the week after your period, when your breasts aren’t as tender or lumpy. Self-checking is about feeling for changes that aren’t normal for you. This may be a lump, thickened area, or anything that feels totally different from any other area in your breasts.
It may be easier to check your breasts while you’re in the shower or bath, as your hands are wet. This makes it easier to slide your hand over your breasts.
An easy way to check your breasts is to:
- Raise one arm above your head.
- With the flat of your fingers press into your breast, feeling for any changes, softly at first and then more firmly.
- Check the entire breast area, from your collarbone to under your breast, and from the side of your breast up into your armpit. A good way to do this is to move your hands over your breasts, in an up and down or in a circular motion. This is an easy way to make sure you’ve checked the whole area.
- Repeat on the other breast
If you have larger breasts, it may be easier to check when you’re lying down so your breast tissue is flatter.
- Place a folded towel underneath one shoulder and put your arm above your head.
- Using your other hand, check all over your breast, including the nipple, up to the collarbone and under your arm. Swap the towel to your other shoulder and repeat on the other side.
If you’ve found something that doesn’t seem normal, it’s important to consult your doctor.