Breastfeeding: A key to sustainable development

Breastfeeding: A key to sustainable development

Posted by Michelle Radley on

In September 2015, the world's leaders committed to 17 goals aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity. Together, they form the Sustainable Development Goals.

We all have a part to play in achieving these goals by 2030 and breastfeeding is just one way mothers can help make a difference.

This year’s World Breastfeeding Week theme is about how breastfeeding plays a key part in getting us to think about how to value our wellbeing from the start of life, how to respect each other and care for the world we share.

Below is a list of the 17 goals and how breastfeeding links to each of these goals.

No Poverty

Breastfeeding is a natural and low-cost way of feeding babies and children. It is affordable for everyone and does not burden household budgets compared to formula feeding. Breastfeeding contributes to poverty reduction.

Zero Hunger

Exclusive breastfeeding and continued breastfeeding for two years and beyond provide high quality nutrients and adequate energy and can help prevent hunger, undernutrition and obesity. Breastfeeding also means food security for infants.

Good Health and Wellbeing

Breastfeeding significantly improves the health, development and survival of infants and children. It also contributes to improved health and wellbeing of mothers, both in the short and long term.

Quality Education

Breastfeeding and adequate complementary feeding are fundamentals for readiness to learn. Breastfeeding and good quality complementary foods significantly contribute to mental and cognitive development and thus promote learning.

Gender Equality

Breastfeeding is the great equaliser, giving every child a fair and best start in life. Breastfeeding is uniquely a right of women and they should be supported by society to breastfeed optimally. The breastfeeding experience can be satisfying and empowering for the mother as she is in control of how she feeds her baby.

Clean Water and Sanitation

Breastfeeding on demand provides all the water a baby needs, even in hot weather. On the other hand, formula feeding requires access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation.

Affordable and Clean Energy

Breastfeeding entails less energy when compared to formula production industries. It also reduces the need for water, firewood and fossil fuels in the home.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Breastfeeding women who are supported by their employers are more productive and loyal. Maternity protection and other workplace policies can enable women to combine breastfeeding and their other work or employment. Decent jobs should cater to the needs of breastfeeding women, especially those in precarious situations.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

With industrialisation and urbanisation, the time and space challenges become more prominent. Breastfeeding mothers who work outside the home need to manage these challenges and be supported by employers, their own families and communities. Crèches near the workplace, lactation rooms and breastfeeding breaks can make a big difference.

Reduced Inequalities

Breastfeeding practices differ across the globe. Breastfeeding needs to be protected, promoted and supported among all, but in particular among poor and vulnerable groups. This will help to reduce inequalities.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

In the bustle of big cities, breastfeeding mothers and their babies need to feel safe and welcome in all public spaces. When disaster and humanitarian crises strike, women and children are affected disproportionately. Pregnant and lactating women need particular support during such times. 

Responsible Consumption and Production

Breastfeeding provides a healthy, viable, non-polluting, non-resource intensive, sustainable and natural source of nutrition and sustenance.

Climate Action

Breastfeeding safeguards infant health and nutrition in times of adversity and weather-related disasters due to global warming.

Life Below Water

Breastfeeding entails less waste compared to formula feeding. Industrial formula production and distribution lead to waste that pollutes the seas and affects marine life.

Life on Land

Breastfeeding is ecological compared to formula feeding. Formula production implies dairy farming that often puts pressure on natural resources and contributes to carbon emissions and climate change. 

Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Breastfeeding is enshrined in many human rights frameworks and conventions. National legislation and policies to protect and support breastfeeding mothers and babies are needed to ensure that their rights are upheld.

Partnerships for the Goal

The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (GSIYCF) fosters multi-sectorial collaboration, and can build upon various partnerships for support of development through breastfeeding programs and initiatives.

Hotmilk Lingerie is extremely passionate about breastfeeding and especially the positive impacts it can have on our society. As a gift of love and support to all our wonderful mums, we’re offering you a $10 gift on all purchases. Just use WBW1610 at checkout to receive $10 off your order.

Love to all of you xxx

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