Birmingham Babyshow - Full of Beauty

Birmingham Babyshow - Full of Beauty

Posted by Michelle Radley on

We recently sent Wendy our designer to the Birmingham Babyshow. Babyshows are great way to meet new and existing customers and Birmingham was no different. The people from Birmingham are beautiful inside and out. They are always so excited to share their feedback and experiences. Some of the women we spoke to are on their 3rd pregnancy and are still wearing their Hotmilk bras, which is testimony to the quality, fit, comfort, styling and functionality.

We had great feedback from all the people we spoke to. It’s always fantastic to hear from our customers and get a real sense of what they are feeling and going through. It’s this feedback that helps us to develop products that are exactly what our customers need.

Birmingham Favourites

The Hotmilk brand was well appreciated in the UK, but there were definitely a few stand out hot sellers. These included…

My Necessity Sleep bra - The comfort and flexibility in fit was a real necessity for breastfeeding mums. Especially in those early days of breastfeeding.

My Everyday Cami - Mums loved the practicality for feeding at night as well as being able to wear the top during the day.

Show Off - It was great to hear that this range is loved so much, especially for the large range of sizes, sexy styling and comfort. Mums loved the options of plain colours and/or prints

Forever Yours - The thing that was loved about this bra is that it is the same as a non-nursing bra but still has all the great Hotmilk nursing features.

Charm Nightie - Mums loved how easy it is to feed from this nightie, whilst also feeling pretty and sexy at the same time. They also loved the dual cup sizing.

The one question on everyone's mind

Based on the feedback we received, there was one common question that arose from a lot of mums.

What bra size will I be when I have my baby and When should I buy a nursing bra?

Everyone grows at different rates so this is difficult to predict but as soon as your bra is too tight or feels uncomfortable it is time to be in a bigger bra. You can wear nursing bras before you are pregnant as well as after you have had your baby. We always suggest to buy nursing bras earlier than later to ensure you are comfortable and get longevity out of them. For more details on fitting bras, take a look at our Fitting Room

Wine + Cheese = Hotmilk Awesomeness

While Wendy was in Birmingham she escaped the madness for a well-deserved wine
and cheese evening at the hotel she was staying in. There were several women all sitting by themselves, on their phones talking to family, skyping family or doing work. She struck up a conversation with the lady sitting next to her. Ellie was from Cornwall and had a husband, 2 kids and was a working mum. Wendy mentioned that she designed nursing lingerie and Ellie immediately asked if she worked at Hotmilk. She'd put together Wendy’s kiwi accent, nursing company and Hotmilk was her immediate thought. She told Wendy she wore Hotmilk when she was nursing as all of her friends had recommended it and also said she always recommends it to her friends. She loved the styling saying it was sexy, pretty and practical and the quality was so good they lasted for ages.

She also said that every time one of her friends is pregnant, her friends pull money together and buy a gift voucher for a birthing gift. This is lovely idea and a wonderful practical way of sharing the love and experience from friends who have been there/ done that.

Wendy now has a new friend who lives in Cornwall and we have new wonderful fan!!!

Thanks guys rock!


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